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Understanding Criminal Charges for Domestic Violence in Connecticut

 Posted on August 05,2021 in Domestic Violence

CT defense lawyerThere are many different situations in which a person may face domestic violence charges. For example, an argument between spouses or other family members may spiral out of control, and law enforcement may be called after receiving a report from a neighbor or someone else who was involved. While reports of domestic violence may be made for legitimate reasons, they can also be based on false accusations, such as when a parent is attempting to gain an advantage in a child custody dispute. Those who have been accused of committing domestic violence will need to understand the specific charges they may face and the potential consequences of a criminal conviction.

Connecticut Family Violence Charges

Under Connecticut’s laws, domestic violence is referred to as “family violence,” and it involves any incidents in which a family or household member suffers bodily injury or physical harm or faces the threat of violence. “Family or household members” may include spouses, former spouses, parents and children, other family members who are related by blood or marriage, people who are in a dating relationship or who have formerly dated each other, unmarried couples who are cohabitating or who have lived together in the past, and people who share a child, regardless of whether they are currently living together or have ever lived together.

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Will I Need to Use an Ignition Interlock Device After a DUI Arrest?

 Posted on July 19,2021 in Driving Under the Influence

CT OUI lawyerThere are many ways that being arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs can affect your life. This offense is commonly referred to as DUI or DWI, but it is known as Operating Under the Influence (OUI) in Connecticut. While you may be concerned about some of the more serious consequences that you could face, such as large fines or potential jail time, you may also be subject to a suspension of your driver’s license, even if you are not convicted on criminal charges. If your license is suspended, you will also need to understand your requirements for using an ignition interlock device on your vehicle once your license is reinstated.

Connecticut IID Requirements

If you are arrested on suspicion of drunk or intoxicated driving, and a chemical test of your breath, blood, or urine shows that your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) was over the legal limit, or if you refuse to take a chemical test, your driver’s license will be suspended for 45 days. A conviction for a first-time OUI or second OUI will also result in a 45-day license suspension, although you may be eligible to have your license restored immediately if you have already served a 45-day administrative license suspension.

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What Are the Penalties for a Burglary Conviction in Connecticut?

 Posted on July 12,2021 in Theft and Property Crimes

CT defense lawyerThere are multiple different types of offenses that are categorized as property crimes, and they usually involve taking or damaging someone else’s property. In addition to facing criminal charges for larceny or theft, a person may also be charged with burglary, which involves entering someone else’s property with the intent of committing a crime. Those who have been accused of these types of offenses will want to understand the specific charges that may apply in their situation and the potential consequences they could face if they are convicted.

Burglary and Related Offenses

Burglary charges may apply in situations where someone enters a building, vehicle, watercraft, trailer, railroad car, or another structure while planning to commit a crime inside that building. Burglary offenses are grouped into three categories:

  • First-degree burglary - This charge will apply if a person was armed with a deadly weapon or explosives, if they inflicted bodily injury on someone else or attempted to do so, or if they entered or remained in a building at night. This offense is a Class B felony with a mandatory minimum sentence of five years. The maximum sentence is 20 years with a fine of up to $15,000.

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When Can a Person Be Listed in the Connecticut Sex Offender Registry?

 Posted on July 05,2021 in Sex Crimes

CT criminal lawyerBeing convicted of criminal charges can result in a number of penalties, which can range in severity depending on the nature of the offense, the person’s previous criminal record, and other factors. Among the different types of offenses, sex crimes are some of the most serious, since a person will not only face consequences such as fines and imprisonment but they may also be required to register as a sex offender. People in Connecticut who have been accused of sexual offenses will want to understand whether a conviction will cause their name to be listed in the sex offender registry, and by working with a skilled criminal defense lawyer, they can determine their best options for addressing these charges and avoiding penalties that will affect their lives, their freedom, and their reputation.

Sex Offender Registration Requirements

The requirements a person must follow when registering as a sex offender will depend on the nature of their offense. A person who is convicted of a sexually violent offense, such as first-degree sexual assault, aggravated sexual assault, or aggravated sexual assault of a minor, will be required to register as a sex offender for the rest of their life. A person who is convicted of a nonviolent sexual offense, such as second-degree or third-degree sexual assault, will be required to register as a sex offender for 10 years. Following a second conviction for a nonviolent sexual offense, a person will be required to register as a sex offender for life.

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When Can Title Issues Affect a Real Estate Transaction?

 Posted on June 23,2021 in Real Estate Law

stamford real estate lawyerDuring a residential real estate transaction, both the buyer and the seller will need to meet multiple requirements to ensure that the sale can be completed. In some cases, issues may arise that affect the title to the property, and if these are not addressed correctly, the sale may not proceed. Buyers and sellers will need to understand the different types of title issues that can play a role in a real estate transaction, and by working with an attorney, they can determine the best ways to address these matters.

Common Encumbrances and Title Issues

Some title issues that may affect the sale of residential property are known as “encumbrances,” and they involve a claim against the property by a third party. Other issues may affect the ownership of the property by the current owner or the ways the property can be used. Title issues that can arise during a real estate transaction include:

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Can Repeat Offenders Face More Serious Criminal Charges in Connecticut?

 Posted on June 17,2021 in Criminal Defense

stamford criminal defense lawyerViolations of the law can result in multiple types of consequences. The severity of these consequences will depend on a person’s specific criminal charges and other factors that may play a role in their case. Multiple convictions will usually result in more serious penalties, and in some cases, a person may be subject to laws that detail enhanced penalties for “persistent offenders.” Those facing criminal charges will need to be represented by an experienced attorney who can explain how these laws apply to their case and determine the best defense strategies.

Persistent Offender Laws in Connecticut

Connecticut law defines several categories of persistent offenders, including:

  • Persistent dangerous felony offenders - If a person is convicted of violent crimes such as manslaughter, kidnapping, first- or second-degree robbery, first-degree assault, first-degree burglary, second-degree burglary with a firearm, or arson, and they had previously been convicted of one of these crimes, they will be sentenced to at least twice the minimum sentence for the offense and a maximum of 40 years in prison. A third conviction will result in being sentenced to at least three times the minimum sentence for the offense.

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Can a Person Be Charged With DUI When Using Marijuana?

 Posted on June 10,2021 in Driving Under the Influence

stamford dui lawyerThe use of marijuana has become more and more widespread in recent years, especially as multiple states have legalized the drug for both recreational and medicinal use. Because of this, many people may drive after using this drug. However, drivers should understand that they could potentially face criminal charges for driving under the influence (DUI) due to their use of marijuana. Those who have been arrested and charged with intoxicated driving will need to make sure they have legal representation by a criminal defense lawyer who is experienced in these types of cases.

Legal Issues in Marijuana DUI Cases

Under the laws in Connecticut, it is illegal to operate a motor vehicle while under the influence of an intoxicating drug. However, unlike in DUI cases involving alcohol, Connecticut law does not specify a legal limit to determine when a person is intoxicated by marijuana. If a police officer pulls a driver over based on the suspicion that they are intoxicated, they may make an arrest based on the results of field sobriety tests or other observations that indicate that a person has been using marijuana. These may include the smell of marijuana in the vehicle or physical symptoms of marijuana intoxication, such as bloodshot eyes, drowsiness, or delayed responses to questions.

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Updated: Connecticut’s Distracted Driving Laws

 Posted on June 03,2021 in Traffic Violations

CT defense lawyerOriginally published: July 29, 2018 -- Updated: June 3, 2021

UPDATE: Drivers who use cell phones or other electronic devices while driving may be subject to traffic violations as described below. However, distracted driving may also result in criminal charges if it leads to an accident that causes a person’s death.

Connecticut law does not specifically define the offense of causing a fatality due to using a cell phone or texting while driving. Depending on the circumstances of a case, a person may be charged with multiple types of criminal offenses:

  • Negligent homicide with a motor vehicle - This charge may apply if a person caused the death of someone else because they acted negligently while driving. A conviction can be punished by up to three years in prison, a fine of up to $3,500, or both.

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What Should I Do If My Child Was Caught Drinking Underage or Drinking and Driving?

 Posted on May 24,2021 in Juvenile Crimes

stamford underage drinking lawyerThe last year and a half have been stressful for everyone. As a result, more people are turning to alcohol and drugs to cope. This is true for adults as well as teenagers. The Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services reports that underage drinking is on the rise. The organization hopes to raise awareness of the dangers of underage drinking and encourages individuals to reach out for help if they are struggling with substance use. In Connecticut, underage drinking and underage drinking and driving can lead to serious consequences. If your child was caught drinking, a juvenile criminal defense lawyer can help.  

Know the Consequences of Underage Drinking in Connecticut

With prom, high school graduation, and summer parties just around the corner, parents should remain vigilant regarding underage drinking. Many young people think that drinking before age 21 is no big deal. However, underage purchase and possession of alcohol can lead to stiff fines and even criminal penalties. Buying alcohol or possessing alcohol when you are younger than 21 is penalized by a fine of up to $500. Using a fake ID to purchase alcohol is a misdemeanor criminal offense punishable by a maximum of 30 days in jail and a driver’s license suspension of 150 days.

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Can I Face Criminal Charges for Getting into a Bar Fight in Connecticut?

 Posted on May 14,2021 in Violent Crimes

stamford criminal defense lawyerAmple research has demonstrated the relationship between alcohol and violence. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism reports that one in four instances of violent crime involves an offender who was drinking. Consequently, bar fights are not uncommon in Connecticut or elsewhere in the U.S. If you were involved in a bar fight, you could be charged with a serious criminal offense. You could even be facing jail time for assault.

You Could be Charged with Assault Even If You Were Defending Yourself

Bar fights often take place in dark, crowded bars or nightclubs. This can make it very difficult for police to determine who instigated the fight. Sometimes, the victim of a violent crime ends up being arrested and charged with assault even though he or she was not the instigator of the altercation. Regardless of your role in the fight, you could be subject to significant legal penalties, so it is crucial to seek qualified legal counsel right away.

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