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How Criminal Convictions Can Affect Your Career

 Posted on November 29, 2023 in Criminal Defense

Fairfield County Criminal Defense LawyerA criminal record can follow you for many years. In Connecticut, a person cannot be denied employment simply because of a prior criminal record. However, a state agency or board is allowed to take a felony conviction under advisement in issuing credentials.

If you have a criminal record, our Stamford criminal defense lawyer would like to discuss what information employers can find out about you and ways that a criminal conviction can affect your career.

Background Checks: What Can My Employer Find Out?

When you apply for a job, the employer must ask your permission to conduct a background check on you. Your criminal record will come up on a background check, along with your schooling and past employment.

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Reasons to Have a Lawyer Review Your Real Estate Contracts

 Posted on November 22, 2023 in Real Estate Law

CT real estate lawyerBuying a home is a large financial decision. There are many expenses associated with the purchase, including the initial deposit, earnest money, and, of course, the down payment. You will likely have closing costs, although the seller may agree to cover some of these fees. 

Purchasing costs aside, you may also have moving costs, which can vary greatly depending on how much furniture you have and if your move is local or out-of-state. You will need to factor in packing expenses and furniture reassembling fees if applicable.

With all these expenses, you may feel that you can skip having a lawyer review your real estate contract. This could be a big mistake, as real estate laws and contracts can be complicated.

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Have You Been Accused of Shoplifting?

 Posted on November 16, 2023 in Theft and Property Crimes

CT Defense LawyerShoplifting is a serious crime in Connecticut. The severity of the charge will depend on the amount of merchandise stolen. While you may think that shoplifting is no big deal, there are serious consequences that come with it.

If you have been arrested for shoplifting, you need a Fairfield County theft crimes attorney to defend your rights. 

What are Connecticut Laws on Shoplifting?

Shoplifting is known as larceny under Connecticut law. You may be accused of shoplifting if you intentionally take possession of goods at a retail store or other place where merchandise is being stolen, with no intention of paying for them.

Depending on the amount of merchandise stolen, shoplifting can be either a felony or a misdemeanor in Connecticut. In the Nutmeg state, felonies are categorized as either being a Class A, B, C, D, or E (most severe to least severe charges). However, shoplifting may only be considered a Class B, C, or D felony in Connecticut.

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Who Needs to Register as a Sex Offender in CT?

 Posted on November 09, 2023 in Sex Crimes

Fairfield County Sexual Assault Defense AttorneyIf you are convicted of a sexual offense, you can expect to spend time in prison and have to pay hefty fines. While many people know that convicted sex offenders must register with the police, you may not know which crimes require you to be listed on the sex offender registry.

If you have been convicted of a sexual offense, you need experienced representation that can only come from a Stamford sex crime defense lawyer.

What is the Sex Offender Registry?

The sex offender registry is a list of all convicted sex offenders in the state. You can search for a particular person to find out their personal information, including the offender’s home address, physical appearance, and prior criminal history. You can search sex offender registries for the entire country by visiting the National Sex Offender Public Website

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Can Traffic Tickets Be a Criminal Offense?

 Posted on October 26, 2023 in Traffic Violations

CT defense lawyerIn Connecticut, traffic tickets are typically considered civil offenses. They result from violations of state and local traffic laws, such as speeding, running a red light, or failing to yield. When issued a traffic ticket, drivers often face fines, potential points on their driving record, and the possibility of increased insurance rates.

However, certain traffic violations can escalate to criminal offenses in specific circumstances. While a traffic ticket should always be taken seriously, criminal matters become much more concerning. Always discuss your charges with a Stamford criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible. 

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Common Title Issues When Purchasing Residential Real Estate

 Posted on October 20, 2023 in Real Estate Law

CT real estate lawyerEvery year, more than 80% of Americans opt to purchase owner’s title insurance to protect themselves against any debts and/or liens that might exist against their property. 

Our Stamford real estate attorney would like to inform you of common title issues that may arise when you purchase a home and the benefits of buying an owner’s title insurance policy.

What is a Title Issue?

A title issue, also known as a title “defect,” is a problem with the legal right of ownership of a home. Before a home is sold, a title insurance company will run a title search as part of the closing process. The title search is conducted to find any outstanding liens, debts, or other claims to the property. 

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Two Common Juvenile Offenses in CT

 Posted on October 13, 2023 in Juvenile Crimes

CT defense lawyerChildren and young people can be charged with the same crimes as adults. If a minor has committed an offense, their case will be tried in juvenile court. A juvenile may be charged with a delinquent act or serious juvenile offense. Connecticut law defines 50 felonies as serious juvenile offenses

In Connecticut, a juvenile is considered to be between the ages of 10 to 17. Whether it be an adolescent, college student, or another young person, a Stamford criminal defense attorney is here to offer your child the legal representation that is needed.

The following are two common allegations against juveniles

Possession of Drugs

One of the most common juvenile offenses is the possession of drugs. According to CGS §21a-277, a person may not manufacture, distribute, sell, prescribe, or dispense any narcotic or hallucinogenic substance.

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A Current Look at Drug Crimes in Connecticut

 Posted on October 05, 2023 in Criminal Defense

CT defense lawyerConnecticut law takes drug offenses seriously, but these laws regularly change and can be confusing. Below is a brief overview of current drug crimes in CT. If you face charges or are arrested, consult with a Fairfield County drug defense lawyer today. 

Marijuana in Connecticut

While Connecticut has joined the many states that have legalized adult recreational use of marijuana, there are still restrictions under the law, and violations can lead to potential criminal charges. The following are some things you should know about marijuana laws in CT:

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What You Need to Know About DUIs and Property Damage

 Posted on September 29, 2023 in Driving Under the Influence

CT DUI lawyerDriving under the influence (DUI) is a serious criminal offense that can bring severe consequences, especially when property damage is involved. Suppose you have been charged with DUI and causing subsequent property damage, such as hitting a stop sign, tree, mailbox, or something else. In that case, you need to strongly consider hiring a lawyer, as a DUI conviction involving property damage can escalate the possible penalties. Your lawyer will be not only well-versed in Connecticut DUI law but will also have a firm understanding of the defense strategies that may play to your advantage as your case proceeds. 

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Why Do Trucks Have Weight Restrictions?

 Posted on September 27, 2023 in Traffic Violations

CT defense lawyerTrucks play a vital role in the transportation industry, but their weight can pose significant risks to infrastructure and public safety. Because of the risk overweight trucks pose, weight restrictions are in place to help road users and truckers be safe. If you have been charged with a traffic offense or trucking violation, contact a lawyer to ensure you can adequately fight the charges against you. 

Understanding the Weight Restriction Issue

The federal Department of Transportation has weight restriction regulations. Regulations also exist within the Connecticut Department of Transportation. These essential guidelines are in place to:

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